For example:
<marquee> How to Create a Text or Picture Walk Blog </ marquee>
<img src="http://......................................jpg " / height="200" width="20%" />
That is the text goes. What if the image goes?
Pretty easy anyway ......
Code like this:
<marquee> <img src="write with image your url"/> </ marquee>
<marquee> <img src="http://..........png "/></marquee>
Also, it can be changed the direction of movement as well, such as up, down, left, or right.Code like this: <marquee direction=left>
Left direction can be replaced with an up or down or right.
1.<marquee direction=up> How to Create a Text or Picture Walk Blog </ marquee>
<img src="http://......................jpg " / height="200" width="20%" />